Thursday, January 27, 2011

Publicity From Thirty Thousand Feet

We all know that marketing a book is a process. But sometimes the process takes longer than we'd anticipated. That's why it's nice every now and again to hop aboard the publicity jet and get a look-see at what you've been doing from the thirty-thousand foot level. Why? Well, first off this birds-eye view will reveal to you areas you might be overlooking or other options for marketing you hadn't considered.

To accomplish this bird-eye view you'll want to get yourself a big white board, or something else big enough to chart your flight plan on. Then, once you've gotten that start charting the course you've taken so far. Don't leave a single thing out; it doesn't matter what it is. What you want to end up with is a serious list of everything you've done from the time you held your first proof book in your hands.

One of the things this type of a project will do is give you a new perspective on what you're doing. It will show you areas that you've possibly been spending too much time on or potential holes in your campaign. Sketching out your marketing campaign will also give you a chance to see what's been leveraging you results and what hasn't. Keep in mind that some things like bulk sales and national media might take longer than other items so you'll want to keep putting forth effort toward those long-term goals. But let's say you've been spending tons of time doing radio but nothing really seems to be happening in that area. You then look over to your speaking engagement section and realize you haven't done a lot with that recently. Perhaps it's time to pull back on radio and start pushing speaking events.

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